Doilies remind me of my childhood summers spent at my great grandmother’s house. I still remember exactly what her house smelled like, a mix between a floral fragrance and moth balls. I remember her collection of dainty nick-knacks sitting on delicate hand crocheted doilies, like snapshots in my memory. Making this doily bunting brought back memories of her, even if my doilies are the store bought paper ones. Maybe someday I’ll learn how to make the real ones, but in the meantime this will do. I think it matches my felt ruffle wreath perfectly. Happy Valentine’s Day!
Paper Doilies
Hemp or String
Red Felt w/Sticky Backing
Step 1: Fold paper doilies in half, making sure the ends match up.
Step 2: Measure your doorway (or wherever you plan on hanging the bunting) and cut a string a few feet longer than your measurement, allowing hanging room. Glue the piece of string, sandwiched in between the dollies. Continue gluing doilies on the string until you’ve reached your desired length.
Step 3: Cut hearts out of the felt or many craft stores sell felt heart stickers ready to go. Stick the felt to the middle of the halved doilies on the string.
12 Responses
How pretty! And simple to make too! Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for stopping by Melinda 🙂
Anything with little hearts gets me every time… so cute! 🙂
Very sweet. That wreath is awesome!!
That is adorable! I bouhgt a bunch of doilies there the other day but then got them home and had no clue what to do with them! Love your project!
Thanks! I LOVE crafting with doilies…so many possibilities!
That is so adorable, and looks super easy to make too! I would love it if you would share it at my Valentines party @!
I bought supplies to make one of these with my grandbaby tomorrow, she’s 2 1/2….my hearts probably won’t be so nicely centered but we’re going to have fun. Thanks for sharing this!
Cool! I will use this info when I make a doily. My great-grandma makes alot of doilies and she tcarshes them too, so I will have to find out what she uses.Oh, and I had my mom follow yyour blog, but I don’t think my dad would like it very much if I signed him up.
Still love this idea. I’ve used it for more than a few occasions. It never gets old and always brightens the room.