I spotted these alphabet cookies at Trader Joe’s last week and just knew that they’d make for a great Tot School Tuesday activity! Logan had a blast matching the cookie letters to the letter printout, with a few snack breaks and letter replacements in between. After showing him how to do it once, this turned into a solo play activity that he did over all morning. Don’t you just love when that happens? Thank you Trader Joe’s!
Kara of Mine for the Making is co-hosting Tot School Tuesday this month. Make sure to visit her blog for some fabulous preschool age activities.
Activity: Alphabet Cookie Matching
(learning objective: identifying letters & sounds, matching)
Trader Joe’s Alphabet Cookies
Pick out each letter of the alphabet A-Z in cookies or have your child help with this. Print out the letters on two sheets, I used Franklin Gothic Heavy font at 160 font. Have your child match the cookie letters to the alphabet on the sheet, identifying letters and sounds as they go.
November’s Tot School Tuesday Co-host: Kara of Mine for the Making
(visit her blog for Tot School Tuesday ideas for older children)
Link up your Tot School Tuesday activities here! Tot School Tuesday is all about teaching your child something in a fun and playful way. Blog along with me every Tuesday and link up your ideas here. They can be original ideas or something you saw online (just make sure to give credit to the person who came up with the idea).
“Tot School Tuesday” rules:
- Tot School related blog post links only please. Links to shops, giveaways and products will be deleted.
- Link directly to your Tot School post, not just your blog.
- Please link to See Vanessa Craft somewhere on your post or grab a “Tot School Tuesday” button and link it back to www.seevanessacraft.com.
5 Responses
That’s a really cute idea! I think I will have to make a trip to Trader Joe’s!
Thanks Samantha! Logan had fun with it 🙂
How super fun! Ryan would love this. The alphabet & cookies? Yeah, he’d be in heaven!
Ah if only there was a Trader Joe’s in the UK!!
We’ve had fun with alphabet crackers, too! With my oldest, we did a little “Eat Your Sight Words” activity– you can be sure he enjoyed that! : )