Calling all pirates! Here’s a quick and easy, last minute Halloween craft for you. Turn your trick or treat pumpkin bucket into a pirate to match your costume! This took me less then 5 minutes to do and while you can find these supplies in just about any Halloween section in stores, I found a pirate kit at the Target Dollar Spot and all I had to do was the gluing. ARGH MATEY, you are ready to collect some candy now!
Pumpkin Bucket
Adhesive Fake Mustache
Pirate Eye Patch
Gold Ring Earring
Hot Glue Gun
Instructions: Tuck the string of the pirate patch inside of the patch and hot glue over one of the pumpkin eyes. Use hot glue to attach the gold ring to the side of the bucket, where the ear would be located. Attach the mustache under the pumpkin nose. Go trick or treating!