Santa brought us a special present this year! We are excited to announce that we are expecting baby #2 in August 2013, the due date landing on our 6th wedding anniversary! This one took us by surprise, a wonderful surprise. You see, it took us 2 years to conceive Logan. After many tests, charts and prayers, we found out we were pregnant with Logan a week before we were going to kick start treatment with the fertility specialist. I thought we’d go through the same trials we faced the first time around, but I wasn’t willing to go down the road of tests and charts and fertility specialists again. It was just too stressful and I was already blessed with the best little boy a mom could ever hope for. If we couldn’t get pregnant again, we’d look into other options down the road. Well, looks like the no-pressure approach worked in our favor!
Last time, we kept my pregnancy a secret until well into the 2nd trimester. We were anxious about it sticking and it killed me to have to keep such exciting news to myself. So, I’m (cautiously) shouting it from the rooftops this time around and praying for the best. I experienced a spotting scare last week, but everything checked out okay and I got to see my little one’s tiny flicker of a heartbeat on an early ultrasound. For being the size of a blueberry, this baby has already taken over my entire body. I’m way more exhausted and nauseous this time around. Like, can barely keep my eyes open kind of exhausted. With Logan, I craved cumquats and eggs. With #2, I’m craving hamburgers and junk. I don’t even like hamburgers?! Time to hop back on the elliptical to combat the pregnancy cravings!
This is our last Christmas as a family of 3 (on the outside) and I’m holding these precious memories tight, but I know the best is yet to come! I hope Santa brought you something special this year too! I’ll be stepping away from the blog this week, enjoy your families!
Merry Christmas!
19 Responses
Congrats, girl! All these new babies make me want to have another, too.
Thank you! We’re so excited 🙂
Congrats! It’s fun to think how different next Christmas will be!
I still can’t believe that we’ll have another little baby running around the house next Christmas!!
So, so, so happy for you. What an awesome gift!
Thanks Maria 🙂
Oh I love the title of this post! So cute. Congratulations to your family and have a wonderful Christmas =D
Congrats! I love your picture announcing the pregnancy, so creative! We’re also expecting (a little girl) in March 2013. I was thinking about how different it will be next Christmas with a 3 year old & 7 month old running & crawling all over the place. Like you, my second pregnancy started out super nauseous & way tired & I also craved junk more this time around. Maybe you have a girl in there!
Congrats! I am so excited for you!
My 2 years olds bday is August 6 and I totally craved burgers and junk the whole time! Bet your having a little lady! 😉
Yay!!! Congratulations! Logan is going to be a great big brother!
Such fantastic news, Vanessa! I hope the morning sickness has subsided and you’re having a lovely holiday with your family. Take care! xoxo
A merry Christmas indeed! Congratulations!
This is great news! Congrats! Oh…and I love the picture with the shoes!
yay! That’s fantastic! Congratulations to your family! Happy New Year!
Congrats…Thank you for sharing this… Have a great day…