Have you seen the gorgeous brand new Red Barn Blog yet?! I’m excited to announce that I’ll be writing a kid’s craft column over there every second Tuesday of the month. My first post is up and I can’t wait to hear what you guys think. I won major cool points with Logan after I turned a giant washer and dryer sized cardboard box into a barn, so I decided to make a miniature version for his little animal toys. Head on over to the Red Barn Blog to learn how to make a miniature cardboard box barn. I though the project was fitting for the name of the blog.
You can also find me over at Chiquita Moms every Friday and regularly on Celebrations and Parent Society.
2 Responses
Vanessa, we’re thrilled you’re a part of our Red Barn family now. We look forward to sharing more awesome kids crafts from you!
Thanks Mabel! I’m honored to be part of such a fabulous blog!