This ballerina jewelry box costume idea is sponsored by Amazon in partnership with Forward Influence. However, all thoughts and opinions are my own. This post contains affiliate links.
Halloween is almost here and what better way to celebrate than with Amazon Prime Boxtumes?! Boxtumes are creative costumes made at home using Amazon Prime Smile boxes. I took the challenge and made a ballerina jewelry box costume for my tiny dancer. I’m sure you’ve seen the little jewelry boxes that have a ballerina inside, twirling to the music. My 5 year old received a ballerina jewelry box for Christmas last year and has been obsessed with it ever since. She was more than happy to transform into a life size ballerina in a jewelry box.
You all already know that I love me some Amazon Prime shopping. The majority of my shopping is done via Amazon Prime because it’s ridiculously convenient and you can’t beat free shipping. Go shopping and then get crafting! Aside from boxtumes, you can craft DIY treat containers, masks, haunted houses and so much more using Amazon Prime Smile boxes. Can’t wait to see what you come up with!
2 Amazon Prime Smile Boxes (medium)
Sharp Scissors
Pink Spray Paint
12×12 Pink and Patterned Scrapbook Paper
Hot Glue Gun
2 Crystal Knobs
10 Bead Strands
White Ribbon
White Ricrac
Aluminum Foil
Ballerina Leotard, Tights, Shoes
Step 1: Use a pair of sharp scissors or a razor to cut the flaps off the bottom of the first Amazon box. Tuck in 3 of the top flaps, leaving the back flap up. On the second Amazon box, cut off 3 of the sides – leaving the widest side for the “mirror”.
Step 2: Spray each of the cardboard pieces with pink spray paint, using light coats and allowing for drying in between coats.
Step 3: Trim the patterned scrapbook paper down to look like 2 rectangular “drawers”. Hot glue them to the front of the box. Hot glue 2 pink scrapbook paper circles to the center of those rectangles. Hot glue the crystal knobs to the center of the circles.
Step 4: Attach a piece of foil to the “mirror” piece of cardboard, allowing for a 1/2 inch boarder. Hot glue white ricrac around the foil. Hot glue the mirror to the inside and back of the box, with the foil facing to the front.
Step 5: Hot glue faux bead strands draped around the box. Save a couple strands for the ballerina to wear.
Step 6: Hot glue ribbon arm strap loops to the inside of the box, as shown in the photo below, so your child can easily wear the box.
Step 7: Place the “jewelry box” on your little ballerina and go trick or treating!
Show off your own creativity using #boxtumes, #amazonprime and #morethanabox.