(pregnancy) gender reveal

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While we were trying (and trying…and trying) to get pregnant the first time around, I dreamt of fun ways to announce my pregnancy to my husband. I was going to make him a meal full of baby themed things, like baby corn and baby carrots, and see if he caught on. Or maybe I would have taken him out for a nice dinner and announce the pregnancy through a fancy dessert that spelled out “baby on the way”. My real announcement was more of an ambush as I shoved the stick in front of his face and started crying. It was perfect and I still had baby #2 to make baby carrots for.

And then #2 became a reality, a surprising and wonderful reality because we didn’t have to get poked or prodded. There were no charts or ovulation sticks involved. I was in shock when I discovered I was pregnant and plans for those baby carrots went out the window as I ambushed my husband for the second time and shoved the stick in front of his face with tears streaming down my face. It was perfect.

As we were deciding how we wanted to find out the gender, we talked about sealing the results in an envelope and arranging a balloon release or a cake reveal. I so wish I had the patience for surprises, but I know myself better than that. Being my typical type A self, I had been studying what different genders look like on ultrasounds. As soon as the money shot was shown during the ultrasound, I screamed “It’s A GIRL”, before the tech had a chance to announce it. Logan corrected me and said, “It’s A COW”! Oh how I love that child!

We are ecstatic! I’ve loved being a boy mom and I’m just as thrilled to enter the girl world. I already have big plans for the nursery and I can’t wait to reveal them very soon. Eeeek, I’m going to have a GIRL!!!

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25 Responses

  1. Ahhhh!!! Yay!! That’s EXACTLY how I was both times I peed on a stick. I had such glamorous plans to announce and then I just blurted it to everyone. Lol. We find out what gender our number two is tomorrow! You’re having a girl! That’s awesome.. I don’t even know what I would do with a girl after being a boy mom for so long!

    1. Tomorrow is going to be so exciting for you! I’m a tad scared about having a girl after being a boy mom…but I’m sure I’ll figure it out lol!

  2. Congrats to the girl on the way! It is so fun being a momma to a boy and a girl. I love that mine are the same as your two will be, boy first then girl.
    Congrats again!

  3. Congrats Vanessa!! As the mom to a loving 2 year old Girl, you are going to love all the girly things that come along with a baby girl. Mazel,


  4. I am SO SO SO very excited for you!!! I was hoping you would have a girl so I could make some cute things for her (so easier to come up with cute things for a girl!! LOL) Girls are this whole other world. Being a boy mom is so great and I said I wouldn’t have minded having another boy. They are rough and tough on their clothes, straight to the point, no accessories. Just get them dressed and let them play! I have learned quickly that girls have accessories – you can’t get out of Target without buying an outfit when you actually wanted to buy 6 outfits and I’m not sure what it is but the only way I can explain is that they are more fragile. Yay for a girl!

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Hi, I'm Vanessa!

Welcome to See Vanessa Craft! I’m Vanessa, an MSSW and mom of two in Arizona, and I’m happy you’re here to get inspired with me. It’s my mission in life to spread creativity through crafts, recipes, travel and more in order to live a life well lived.