(crafting on a dime) magnetic felt bookmark

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I’m a bit of a book worm, always have been. So, when Steph of Crafting in the Rain told me about her crafting on a dime project, I was super excited. I received an e-reader for my birthday last year and I love it, but there are just certain books that must be read in paperback (like anything written by Jane Austen) and I can’t wait to make this adorable bookmark. I’ll turn my blog over to the lovely Steph now, who I was lucky enough to meet at SNAP blogging conference a couple months ago.

Hey everyone.  I’m Steph from Crafting in the Rain.  We live in the Pacific Northwest, so when it’s rainy outside, I find all kinds of ways to keep my hands busy inside.  My blog is a smattering of paper crafts, sewing, recipes and kid fun. 

My 8 year-old loves to read.  I think it’s fabulous, even when it means she’d rather stay in bed and read than get up and get ready for school. She also usually has more than one book going at once, which means books turned upside down to mark her place on the counter, the couch, the table, her bed…Not the best way to save a place when I’m trying to clean up.  I’m hoping that having a magnetic bookmark might both encourage her to use it, and also keep it from falling out of the book.


super strong magnets (3.99 for 9)

felt sheets (about 50c each)

glue gun (on hand)

scissors (on hand)

Total Project Cost: $8.00 to make 4 bookmarks



Step 1–Cut these pieces from your choice of felt colors:

1 strip (3/4 inch by 10 inches)

4 circles (1 3/4 inch diameter)

1 flower and one circle (or other shapes you want)

Step 2–Place one of the small magnets on a felt circle, then top with the other, sandwiching and end of the strip inside.  Glue edges to close.

Step 3–Do the same with the other side, making sure that the attractive sides of the magnets are going to be facing each other when the bookmark is folded over the book pages (otherwise the magnets will repel each other, and you’ll be annoyed)

Step 4–Add the felt flower and center and mark your book.

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Hi, I'm Vanessa!

Welcome to See Vanessa Craft! I’m Vanessa, an MSSW and mom of two in Arizona, and I’m happy you’re here to get inspired with me. It’s my mission in life to spread creativity through crafts, recipes, travel and more in order to live a life well lived.