(buff mama monday) half marathon here I come

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I did it. I signed up for my first half. And now I’m officially freaking out! You want me to run how many miles?! 13.1 MILES?! We’ll be in Disney World during the same time as the Princess Half, so I figured what the heck. When will I ever get to run through Disney World again? It’s a once in a lifetime experience, especially because I have no desire to turn into a crazed marathon runner. I’m totally jealous of people who have the dedication to run marathon after marathon, but this is honestly just something that I want to cross off my bucket list. Who knows, maybe I’ll catch the marathon bug after I train for this half. For now, I’m just focusing on making it out alive.

Hardcore training starts October 1st for me, that’s 1 week from now and I’ll have 4 months to get in half marathon shape. I can run a 5k without trouble, but 13.1 miles is going to be a big gigantic stretch for me. Everyone who has done it before me has told me that as long as I keep up with my training, that I’ll be ready. I’m going to be super strict about my Nutrisystem meal plan, starting today. I’m still looking through running plans and deciding what will work best for me and my busy schedule. I need something straight forward (you run x amount of miles on these days). Any suggestions for me? I’m clueless here people, I need advice. Any running forum suggestions?

Besides the fact that we’ll already be in Disney during the half, I really signed up because I need a push. When I was training for my first 5k, I had a goal in mind and it helped with weight loss. I’m hoping this will be the same. After I got off of my PPD/PPA meds, my weight has slowly crept back up and my self confidence has taken a hit. When my self confidence takes a hit, I start eating and it is a big fat ugly cycle. I just want to start feeling beautiful and healthy again. I also want to continue to show Logan what healthy looks like and what better way to show him than dressing up like a princess and running 13.1 loooong miles?!

I may not have a training plan set in stone, but I have been looking at outfits. Priorities, right? People go all out in costumes for this run and you know I’ll be right there with them. I’m thinking Minnie Mouse right now, but check out these super cute outfits…

via team sparkle

The fine print: Nutrisystem is providing their food and program to me for free, as part of the Nutrisystem Nation Blogger Program. These opinions expressed are my own opinions and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation. This review is 100% my opinion and has not been edited or reviewed by anyone. Want to join me on the Nutrisystem program? Call 1-888-853-4689 or sign up online.

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7 Responses

  1. Congrats on signing up for your first half marathon! You are going to have a blast – and Disney puts on some REALLY amazing races! I’ve heard nothing but good things about the princess race so I know you’ll have fun!

    I run quite a bit (4 half’s this year with 3 more in November/December!) and I’ve been doing some running coaching so if you’re wanting a little training advice or help making a plan just send me an email! 🙂

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Welcome to See Vanessa Craft! I’m Vanessa, an MSSW and mom of two in Arizona, and I’m happy you’re here to get inspired with me. It’s my mission in life to spread creativity through crafts, recipes, travel and more in order to live a life well lived.