(tot school tuesday) high five color hands activity

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I’m super excited to have the lovely Kara of Mine for the Making as a Tot School Tuesday co-host in November. She’s a home schooling mama to her preschooler and I’m looking forward to seeing her ideas, especially for an older kiddo. She’ll be posting her ideas on her own blog and we’ll be sharing the linky party, so make sure to stop by her blog for more great Tot School Tuesday ideas!

Activity: High Five Color Hands

(learning objective: identifying colors)


Primary Colored Scrapbook Paper
Double Sided Tape


Trace your child’s hand onto primary colored scrapbook paper. Cut out colored hands and tape to a wall, low enough for your child to reach. Call out different colors and have your child find that color on the wall and give it a high five. Once your child has mastered those colors, you can add in more colors to make it more challenging.

This activity was a huge hit for Logan! He loved the game aspect of this activity. Plus, any activity that gets him up and moving usually holds his interest longer. Just a couple months ago when I started Tot School Tuesday, Logan had difficulty identifying colors. He could name dinosaur species and identify letter sounds, but not colors. We actually thought he might be color blind at one point, but he was just working on learning other things. A few structured activities, like the color sorting wheel, and it’s amazing how fast he’s learned his colors.


November’s Tot School Tuesday Co-host: Kara of Mine for the Making

(visit her blog for Tot School Tuesday ideas for older children)

Link up your Tot School Tuesday activities here! Tot School Tuesday is all about teaching your child something in a fun and playful way. Blog along with me every Tuesday and link up your ideas here. They can be original ideas or something you saw online (just make sure to give credit to the person who came up with the idea).

“Tot School Tuesday” rules:

  • Tot School related blog post links only please. Links to shops, giveaways and products will be deleted.
  • Link directly to your Tot School post, not just your blog.
  • Please link to See Vanessa Craft somewhere on your post or grab a “Tot School Tuesday” button and link it back to www.seevanessacraft.com.

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Hi, I'm Vanessa!

Welcome to See Vanessa Craft! I’m Vanessa, an MSSW and mom of two in Arizona, and I’m happy you’re here to get inspired with me. It’s my mission in life to spread creativity through crafts, recipes, travel and more in order to live a life well lived.