(how-to) 5 ways to meet mommy friends

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The fine print: This post is sponsored by Pear Tree Greetings, the opinions and text are all mine. Pear Tree Greetings has helped tens of thousands of customers celebrate life’s shareable moments with a collection of uniquely personal, high-quality greetings and stationery. Pear Tree Greetings offers a full line of Mommy Cards, announcements, address labels, save-the-dates and dozens of other high-quality paper products, so you can seize every opportunity to connect with others. Custom greetings made simple, affordable, and absolutely keep-worthy.

I remember that first week of being a new stay at home mom, my husband had to return to work and my mom left back on a plane to New Mexico. It was just me, responsible for keeping this tiny little newborn alive. Cue freak out! Whether you are a working mom or stay at home mom, that transition into your new mom role can be tough. I went from working 70+ hours a week, in a very social job, to only having my colicky newborn to talk to. I loved being able to stay at home with my baby, but we are naturally hardwired to connect to other people – other people that can communicate back with more than a coo or giggle (as priceless as those moments are). I quickly discovered the importance of mommy friends, but how does one make mommy friends? Here are my 5 tips for meeting mommy friends.

1. Put yourself out there. Finding mommy friends is a bit like dating, you have to put yourself out there. Don’t be afraid to hand out your digits if you feel like you click. Sometimes you might experience rejection, but more likely than not you’ll walk away with a new play date buddy. Chances are, the other mom is just as nervous as you are about putting herself out there.

2. Get some mommy cards made. Mommy cards are like business cards, but especially for moms! Pear Tree Greetings has a fabulous selection of mommy cards, many of which you can add photos to and customize colors. I like to keep a couple with me in my diaper bag, just in case we meet a new mom and kid at the park that we might want to hang out with later. My mommy card has my name, Logan’s name, my email address and telephone number on it. They are super convenient for coordinating play dates, carpools and more.

3. Seek out local play date groups. Check with your local community association or community center, your area might already have established mom groups that meet regularly. You could also check meetup.com or ask other moms in your neighborhood if they know of any play date groups.

4. Be open to meeting different kinds of moms. It’s nice to know a few mommy friends that parent similarly to you, but I actually find it helpful to have many different types of parents in my tribe. Those different parenting styles come in handy when I need a different perspective on a situation. I may not always follow their advice, but it’s still helpful to know what other moms do in different situations so if what I’m doing isn’t working I can try something else.

5. Sign up for mommy and me classes. Logan and I have been going to Gymboree since he was 3 months old and many of the kids he started with are still there. It’s been a lot of fun seeing them grow and play together throughout the years. Local community or recreation centers are also a good resource for mommy and me classes. Our library even has a mommy and me reading time class that they offer every week for free. These classes are great ways to meet new mommy friends!


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2 Responses

  1. I just moved from New York to Tennessee and I’ve never had to TRY to make mommy friends before. It’s SO stinking hard. Can’t the perfect friend just fall into my lap? That works, right?

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Welcome to See Vanessa Craft! I’m Vanessa, an MSSW and mom of two in Arizona, and I’m happy you’re here to get inspired with me. It’s my mission in life to spread creativity through crafts, recipes, travel and more in order to live a life well lived.