(20 crafty days of christmas) chalkboard place tags

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Chalkboard Place Tags - {i love} my disorganized life

Hey there! I’m Rachel from {i love} my disorganized life. Today I’m sharing my Chalkboard Place Tags. They’re super easy and fun to make, so the kids can always help you with them.

Are you as excited for Christmas as I am? I like to decorate the whole house, since this is where everyone gathers, because it holds the whole family. We’re pretty informal, so I don’t normally dictate where everyone sits, but this year I wanted to do something different.

I’ve had these tags for what seems like forever, so I wanted to use them. I also love chalkboard anything, and I just happened to have some chalkboard paint left over from this project.

By simply combining the two, I created adorable tags that let your guests know where to sit and at the same time are re-usable and eco-friendly!

You’ll need just a few things to make your own Chalkboard Place Tags.

Chalkboard Place Tags {supplies} {i love} my disorganized life



  • thick paper tags {one for each guest}
  • black chalkboard paint
  • paint brush
  • chalk
  • newspaper for protecting your work space


  • using a paint brush, paint a thin coat horizontally on the tag. Allow to dry for one hour
  • paint a second coat vertically; cure for 24 hours
  • lightly rub chalk over entire surface to condition; rub chalk off
  • repeat with with remaining tags


Chalkboard Place Tags {i love} my disorganized life

Once your guest list is confirmed, simply use chalk to write the names of your family and friends on the tags!

See, I told you this was fun! Thanks so much for hanging out with me! I hope you enjoy making these Chalkboard Tags!

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Rachel is a no-pattern-sewing, eye-ball-it-crafting, shortcut-recipe-making kind of girl. She doesn’t like to spend too much time on complicated recipes & patterns. She lives in Southern AZ with her husband of 22+ years and three of their five children. When she grows up, Rachel wants to travel to foreign lands and capture them with her growing photography skills. She also has awesome readers and loves to engage with them on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter & G+.

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Welcome to See Vanessa Craft! I’m Vanessa, an MSSW and mom of two in Arizona, and I’m happy you’re here to get inspired with me. It’s my mission in life to spread creativity through crafts, recipes, travel and more in order to live a life well lived.