An art gallery wall for the kids has been on my to do list for ages and I can finally check it off my list. Well, almost. A week after I got it up, complete with pictures that Logan and Amelia created, our garage flooded. The garage wall just so happens to share a wall with my new art gallery and I might have shed a few tears when half of the wall had to be torn down for repairs. I couldn’t make this stuff up if I tried. The good news is that since we had to re-paint anyways, I had them paint a pretty shade of grey. The other piece of good news is that I have the details for you on how to create your own art gallery wall and I’ll be following this tutorial myself when I get up our new art gallery. I’m headed to Vinyl Express Etsy Shop to order my new vinyl (white this time) for the new gallery. They created the black lettering in these photos and have tons of other custom vinyl pieces – menus, calendars, home decor and more!
4 – 3 inch x 57 inch white pre-painted boards
Finishing Nails
Stud Finder
Binder Clips
E-600 Glue
Custom Vinyl Lettering
Instructions: Order your custom vinyl lettering (mine was 48″ x 12″) from Vinyl Express and follow their instructions to add the lettering to your wall. Head to your local hardware store and purchase 4 – 3” x 57” pre-painted boards. I purchased a couple long boards and had the workers at Lowes cut them down to size for me. Use your level and finishing nails to hang the boards up on the wall approximately a foot or more apart, as shown in the photo. Use your stud finder to find where to hammer your finishing nails in the board. I used 3 nails per board. Glue the binder clips to the board using E-600 glue, as shown in the photo. Allow the glue to dry and start hanging up your child’s artwork!
One Response
This is adorable and such a cute way to display the little one’s art projects, I LOVE THIS! It will be perfect in our playroom.