School starts back on August 24th for my kiddos and I’m not counting down the days or anything (okay so I might be) but I am getting geared up for Back to School! I’m Kelsey from Poofy Cheeks and I am back sharing a free printable teacher survey that will make giving gifts of gratitude more meaningful throughout the school year. Last year my two boys were in Kindergarten and 1st grade and their teachers could not have been more different. I like to give teacher appreciation gifts or small things throughout the year but I felt like some of the things I sent might have gone unused. This year I am sending in this teacher survey the first week of school so I can get to know a little about the boys’ teachers.
The survey has two spots to fill in with your child’s name and your name. There are six spots for your child’s teacher to fill out that ask their favorite color, drink, candy and place to eat as well as classroom wants and needs. Since I am a bit of a craft supply hoarder I have found that I usually have a few supplies that teachers need or want already around the house. By having this list I can also keep classroom needs and wants on my radar if I see them on sale!
Grab the free printable Teacher Survey and print from your home computer or send it to a local print shop. You can have it printed on cardstock at your local Office Depot for less than $1!
I hope you find this printable useful and you aren’t too worn down from Summer Break with your kiddos! As much as I love the time together I know I am personally ready to get back on a routine with an early bedtime and a few quiet minutes to myself.