Before & After 8 Week Mama Bootcamp
This blog should be called, “See Vanessa Be Exhausted…And Complain About Other Stuff Too”. I had a fabulous time at SNAP! and I’ll be posting a recap soon, but I feel like I need a blog conference detox because I feel like crap. I got very little sleep, drank a load of caffeine (after not drinking any caffeine for 8 weeks) and didn’t have time (or make time) to exercise. My body hates me right now and is paying me back with the start of a cold. Oh and as happy as I was to be able to squeeze my kiddo when I returned, I really didn’t want to do it at 4am. Oh yes, he woke up at 4am this morning ready to party and I didn’t even get a swag bag at the party. Welcome back to reality.
I’m trying to get back into the swing of things, starting with catching up on sleep, but I do have some good news for you. I completed my 8 week mama bootcamp last week and the results are in! In 8 weeks, I lost about an inch off my chest, an inch off my hips and an inch off each thigh. And, get this, I lost 5 1/4 inches off my waste! I’ve also gotten stronger. 8 weeks ago I wasn’t able to do 1 pushup and now I can do 10 in a minute. I was only able to hold a plank for a minute and now I can hold it for almost 4 minutes. I was only able to do 30 bicep curls in a minute and now I can do 57. I could only do 43 squats in a minute and now I can do 65. Situps went from 14 in a minute to 25.
I signed up for another 8 weeks of torture mama bootcamp and I’m actually looking forward to it (but glad that it doesn’t start until next week). I was completely committed to workouts for the past 8 weeks but I totally failed when it came to eating. I’m making a re-commitment to myself to not stray too far from my Nutrisystem meal plan. If I stick with it, it works. I only lost just over 5lbs during these past 8 weeks and while I know I was gaining a ton of muscle and losing inches, I really wanted to lose more and I know I could have. I’m going to give 110% next session. Wish me luck and hold me accountable!
The fine print: Nutrisystem is providing their food and program to me for free, as part of the Nutrisystem Nation Blogger Program. These opinions expressed are my own opinions and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation. This review is 100% my opinion and has not been edited or reviewed by anyone. Want to join me on the Nutrisystem program? Call 1-888-853-4689 or sign up online.
8 Responses
Aww thank you 🙂
That’s awesome! You look great! Keep up the awesome work!
Thanks so much 🙂
Girl you did GREAT! I’m so proud of what you have accomplished, and letting us all watch. Congratulations you earned it!
Your results are still so awesome to me! I need to find some sort of mama boot camp for myself in December! I must agree that I am completely worn out too! I could NOT get out of bed this morning – but I have so much to do today. We are out of milk and toilet paper, the floors look like there was some sort of food fight, and we ate out last night so I have to cook tonight!
Thank you 🙂