Yes, I’m posting Buff Mama MONDAY on a THURSDAY. Oops. I can explain. The hubby was out of town last week and it was a “do whatever it takes to survive” kinda week. You want goldfish for breakfast, sure. Pizza for dinner, sure. On top of not having my other half around to pick up the slack and allow me time to go to the gym, I’m in party planning mode for Logan’s 2nd birthday on Saturday. For those of you that know me, I tend to go a tad overboard in the party planning department. Now I’m visiting my parents and that means no gym, but I’m hoping to get in a run tonight (and I still managed to pack my Nutrisystem protein shakes). So, I’ve been a total slacker in the weight loss department. Excuses, excuses…I know, I suck!
This quote above totally sums up my weight loss journey right now. I’m still on the right track, but I need to step it up a notch and just keep swimming. I’m the only one that can make the decision to do it and do it. No one else can do it for me, unfortunately. I’ve lost 25lbs so far and those last pesky pounds have been the toughest to get off and it’s frustrating not seeing the scale move as quickly. I need something to plan for and help keep me motivated, so I’m highly considering finally taking the leap and signing up for my first half marathon. Anyone know any good training programs or apps to get me started?
PS- Nutrisystem just debuted an enhanced diet plan specifically designed for people with type 2 diabetes. As someone who comes from a family full of diabetes, this makes me so happy to hear. I think a lot of times, at least for me, people just don’t know HOW their diet should look. Yes, we know we should eat more veggies and less junk, but Nutrisystem gives you a specific plan to follow and really teaches you HOW to eat. Anyway, if you are interested you can read more about their new program here.
The fine print: Nutrisystem is providing their food and program to me for free, as part of the Nutrisystem Nation Blogger Program. These opinions expressed are my own opinions and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation. This review is 100% my opinion and has not been edited or reviewed by anyone. Want to join me on the Nutrisystem program? Call 1-888-853-4689 or sign up online.
3 Responses
I’ve been so bad with my running, too. I was on vacation, then had a death in the family, and this week it was crazy hot and rainy…ugh. On that note, I’ve been considering a half, too. Wish we lived closer together and we could be training buddies! A great program I love is Podrunner Intervals. They have training for 8k and 10k on there, not sure if they have the half or not, but check it out on iTunes.
I’m so sorry for your loss. I’ll have to check out podrunner, thanks!
The important thing is to just never give up – even if there’s a few days of failure.