Looking for a non-edible holiday party favor or gift? These gingerbread man play dough kits were a hit at our preschool play date this weekend! They are super easy to make and the kids will have hours of fun using the gingerbread man cookie cutter (found at Michaels) to cut their play dough. They can decorate their play dough gingerbread man with buttons, googly eyes and other materials in their kits. You can make your own play dough using this glitter play dough recipe or if you are short on time, pick up a few containers of ready made play dough. You can mix in ginger, cinnamon and nutmeg spices to your play dough for additional sensory fun!
mason jar
play dough
pom poms
googly eyes
little baggy
gingerbread man cookie cutter
foam gingerbread man (found in the Target Dollar Spot or make your own)
double sided tape
cupcake liner
jute string or ribbon
INSTRUCTIONS: Place the play dough inside the jar. Place the buttons, pom poms, googly eyes and sequins inside a little baggy and place the baggy inside the jar. Place the lid on the jar and place a cupcake liner on top, screwing the rim around the liner. Tie the cookie cuter to the jar with a piece of jute or ribbon. Adhere a foam gingerbread man to the front of the jar using double sided tape. Give the jars out as party favors or holiday gifts. The kids can use the cookie cutters to make play dough gingerbread men (or women) and decorate them with the buttons, sequins and googly eyes.
Check out these other holiday gift ideas: Cinnamon Vanilla Sugar Scrub, Hot Chocolate on a Stick & Holiday Reindeer Noses.