Kid Friendly: Nature Walk Terrarium

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We created nature walk terrariums and had fun in the sun with Banana Boat as part of a sponsored post for Socialstars #BestSummerEver


My grandmother always told me to never leave the house without two things, a quarter and sunscreen. She’s a smart lady. Living in Arizona, where it’s sunny 99% of the time, I’m taking her advice. My sunscreen of choice at the moment is Banana Boat® Dry Oil Clear Ultra Mist Sunscreen with Argan Oil. With the one touch spray feature, I love how quick and easy it is to apply. It also leaves my skin feeling moisturized instead of greasy, plus it’s water resistant up to 80 minutes. My kind of sunscreen that keeps me protected while enjoying my family!

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I sprayed on the sunscreen and we recently took a little nature walk around the neighborhood. Logan, my almost 5 year old, always asks me what certain plants or flowers are called and I’m always left looking clueless. I’m no botanist, but this mama is a professional googler lol! For this particular nature walk, I handed Logan a large mason jar and had him collect his specimens that he wanted to learn more about. 

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He filled the bottom of the jar with some rocks to add to his growing collection. He then found several leaves, twigs and flowers that he wanted to learn more about. Together, we researched more about the desert plants we collected and Logan placed his new nature walk terrarium on his nightstand. I think we might have to create nature terrariums anytime we’re in a different landscape, so we can bring it home and learn more about that area. 

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To create your own Nature Walk Terrarium, here are the simple instructions. Kids of all ages will enjoy this outdoors learning activity! To take this activity a step further, provide a microscope or magnifying glass for kids to really examine their environment.



Large Clear Mason Jar
Leaves, Twigs, Rocks, Flowers, Shells, Beach Sand, etc.

INSTRUCTIONS: Slather on the Banana Boat sunscreen and go on a nature walk with your child. Hand them the mason jar and instruct them to fill it with things they find along the walk. Once you return home, you can simply display the terrarium or research the different pieces of nature. 

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For more summer fun activities for the family, visit Banana Boat on Facebook


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Hi, I'm Vanessa!

Welcome to See Vanessa Craft! I’m Vanessa, an MSSW and mom of two in Arizona, and I’m happy you’re here to get inspired with me. It’s my mission in life to spread creativity through crafts, recipes, travel and more in order to live a life well lived.