After posting my recipe for lactation cookies that I made for a friend on instagram, I was reminded of my own nursing struggles. Sometimes, the most natural thing in the world doesn’t come very naturally. After many struggles and attempts, I became a member of the EP (exclusive pumper) club with my firstborn. Several bouts of mastitis later, I happily chucked my pump out the window at 11 months. With my second, she would only latch with a nipple shield for the first 4 months and only really took to 1 side. We made it to 17 months and were both mutually finished. Breastfeeding can be wonderful and stressful, challenging and beautiful.
I wasn’t planning on blogging this, mostly because the nursing stage feels like forever ago for us (or maybe I still have PTSD from mastitis), but hopefully this recipe can help the new moms out there who might be facing some of the same challenges that I faced. Many of the ingredients I used are known to boost milk supply and nutrients. Brewers yeast, which can be found in most health stores, is also believed to help with the baby blues. I joked with my friends that I better not start lactating because I taste tested these cookies, but really these cookies are good for anyone!
I’m not a doctor, just a mom who has nursed a couple kiddos. Make sure to talk to your doctor/lactation consultant and all that jazz.
1 cup butter (softened)
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla
1/3 cup honey
2 tbsp flaxseed meal
4 tbsp water
1 cup sugar
1 cup brown sugar
2 cups flour
1 tsp baking soda
2 tbsp brewer’s yeast (most health stores like Sprouts carries this)
1 tsp cinnamon
3 cups rolled oats
1 1/2 cups mini chocolate chips
Soak flaxseed in water for a couple minutes until softened. Mix wet ingredients, add dry ingredients. Mix until smooth. Fold in chocolate chips. Roll into 1 inch balls and place on a cookie sheet. Bake for 10 minutes at 375 degrees or until golden brown. Enjoy and happy nursing!
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